What are adjectives and adverbs?

What's an adjective?

Adjectives are words that we use to describe a noun or pronoun. Without adjectives sentences would be very dull. You can use adjectives before and after a noun or pronoun.

There was a vicious storm.

Here the adjective is vicious it is describing the storm which is the noun in the sentence.

The storm was vicious.

The adjective is vicious and can be used after the noun storm.

The three forms of an adjective, and how to correctly use them

Adjectives come in three forms; positive, comparative and superlative.

Let's use wise, as an example to explain what these different forms are.

In it's normal form, the positive degree, we would simply use wise.

The wizard was wise.

If we were to use wise in its comparative degree which is as straightforward as the term suggests we would use wiser.

The wizard was wiser.

To use the adjective wise in its superlative degree, we would use wisest.

The wizard was the wisest.

What's an adverb?

Adverbs are words employed to modify a verb, adjective or other adverbs.

The cat walked slowly.

The adverb is slowly, it is describing how the cat was walking. It described further the verb which was walked.

The cat was particularly ruthless. 

Here the adverb particularly is describing the adjective ruthless.

The cat walked very slowly.

The adverb phrase very slowly, describes the verb walked.


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