Cornish Folk Tales by Mike O'Connor
Our Cornish drolls are dead, each one; The fairies from their haunts have gone; There's scarce a witch in all the land, The world has grown so learn'd and grand. Poem by Henry Quick You might think that it's just the Irish who have a rich history of spinning tales around the fire, but the Cornish too have their own wealth of celtic tales that have been passed down through the centuries. By reading Cornish Folk Tales by Mike O'Connor you'll discover the true history of Cornwall, of piskies, giants, trolls mermaids and unruly demons and how they once ruled the land. In these pages you'll learn how places really got their name and why it is that Cornwall has so many saints. You can find out all Lyonesse; the lost city. Learn of the strange ties between King Arthur, his birthplace, the location of his last battle and the lake in which went the sword Excalibar. The book is written about an old droll, a story teller, Anthony James who was a re