
Showing posts from February, 2018

Siphon by A.A.Medina

So I've just finished this little beauty of a book and it's little tales like these that make me love novellas! And it seems I'm not the only one, recently the horror novella has been turning into quite a trend. Novellas offer something you can really be immersed in and read from start to finish in one sitting. The reason why I love horror novellas is that they don't mess about they get straight into the action and continue in a fast pace, it's like the author has realised they only have one last night on earth and need to create something magnificent as their legacy. In novellas you won't find endless paragraphs of info dumping or boring back story and Siphon from Hindered Souls Press is no exception. This is the tale that explores a man's journey after deciding enough is enough. He's going to be the man he's been repressing all these years. It poses the question of are we as cultured and civilised as we think we are or are we all just a few s...

Cry Your Way Home by Damien Angelica Walters

Damien Angelica Walters is an author whose work is constantly popping up in all the great magazines all writers dream of appearing in such as Apex, Black Static, Nightmare Magazine and Shimmer. Not only that she's a Bram Stoker Award nominee?! (she was robbed) Cry Your Way Home is her second short story collection, the first being Sing Me Your Scars and was truly epic, hence why I was just dying to read  Cry Your Way Home. This is a really great  collection of 17 dark tales. Cry Your Way Home focuses more on domestic horror such as relationship breakdowns, death of a loved one and sibling rivalry. Whoever said there was a happily ever after? Inside are 17 tales of pain and suffering that arises when families breakdown for whatever reason.  There's a really wide mix of stories in here illustrating that Damien Angelica Walters is not a one trick pony. In this collection she delves into folk horror, sci-fi and just downright creepy! The stories are beautifull...

Interview with Cedar Hollow Horror Reviews

Hi everyone. I've recently done an interview for Cedar Hollow Horror Reviews   which is a great site for those who love horror. It has book reviews, film reviews and lots of author dropping by for a quick chat. You can read the full interview here

Interview with Zero Flash

Hey Guys I recently did an interview with Zero Flash Fiction . This is a really cool site you should definitely check out. They run a regular flash fiction competition with epic prizes and magazine which is edited by David J.Wing. You can read the full interview  here You can read the full interview here

Interview with Calvin Demmer

I've answered a few questions about writing and my upcoming projects over at Literary Dust , the home of epic book reviews from Candice Robinson. You can read the interview in full here.