
Showing posts from January, 2019

Army of Skin by Morgan K.Tanner

After losing his mother to a brain tumour, Trevor King feels totally alone in the world. Someone needs to pay for her death and Dr Mellick, Trevor's work colleague and family GP, is the man he holds responsible. Trevor's yearning for vengeance leads him to concoct a vicious plot to frame the doctor for multiple murders. Trevor skins the corpses, turning them into elaborate art pieces after being inspired by a mysterious textbook. But as the skins of the flayed victims come to life and continue the killings for him, Trevor wonders whether he is in too deep.When Dr Mellick goes missing Trevor becomes convinced the doctor is planning a similar scheme to bring him down.But as Trevor discovers the truth of his mother's death and his own life, this murderous path becomes more of a calling. Morgan K.Tanner first came on my radar after reading Tales From the Realm Vol 1 by Aphotic Realm  which featured his amazing story, The Almost Cannibal.  That story really stuck out for m...

Bad Pennies by John.F.Leonard

I chose Bad Pennies after reading Call Drops also by John F.Leonard, a short horror story which was really creepy, imaginative and highly enjoyable. Bad Pennies is set in the same world and does not disappoint! Seeing a stranger die is the worst thing that Chris has ever witnessed. Picking up the dead man’s wallet is a mistake, a moment of weakness. That’s all it takes, one impulsive act, for reality to unravel. Because pocketing the wallet is only the beginning. Dark forces swim below the surface of the world... They change their shape but never go away... They find a way through...  Chris Carlisle is just an ordinary guy, always suffering from too much month at the end of his money. He's flat broke, his job is a dead end and his boss hates him. He's one warning away from getting fired. The only thing that is goo din his life is his beautiful Becca and for her he would do anything. He doesn't think his life can get any worse, but it can. One morning, late for...

Just To Keep You Close

I'm so excited to kick off 2019 with my short story, Just to Keep You Close, appearing in the first issue of the resurrected horror fiction magazine Sanitarium. Like many horror fans I was devastated when it was forced to go on hiatus and now, fast forward a few years, it's back! This is a magazine I quickly fell in love with and it introduced me to a lot of horror authors who have now gone on to make a big name for themselves. The first issue is available now on Amazon in e format and should be available in paperback in a few days. 5.0 out of 5 stars Well worth your time if dark fiction is your thing. 19 January 2019  -  Published on Verified Purchase The re-issuing of Sanitarium starts off with an impressive bang. The opening story, "Just To Keep You Close" by S.J. Budd had me literally itching my skin, because...well you'll have to read it. I've always enjoyed horror that builds an atmosphere for the reader and many of the sto...

By Year's End: A Year 47 Anthology

Oooh my first book review of 2019! Here goes. By Year's End: A Year 47 Anthology is  a companion to Bo Chappell's Year 47 novel set in a post apocalyptic New West. I have to admit, I've yet to delve into that tale, but you can go straight ahead and read By Year's End without having any prior knowledge of that. This anthology features nine tales that will take you through the horror of how the New West was created and what's left for the few remaining survivors. I really enjoyed reading these and not having a clue about the events of Year 47 which added extra intrigue to my read. What really struck me was the quality of these stories and how they blend so well together.  I really wanted them to last longer as you get so caught up in the tales. There's a real eclectic mix of authors here, each with their own unique voice but they all flow so effortlessly to create an anthology that feels more like a novel. Usually with anthologies I mention my favourite t...

The Itch by S.J.Budd

My most goriest creepiest tale to date is now available for just 99cents via Infinite Realms Bookstore . It's about a guy who messes with the wrong witch! It even comes with a warning and is called The Itch! Also on this site you can purchase the incredible Sounds of the Night anthology ,  published by Alban Lake. It features my first novelette, What the Eyes Cannot See.