How to Write a Winning Synopsis

It's no use writing an absolute masterpiece if you fail at the first hurdle of trying to get it published. Writing a great synopsis is a really big deal. It's also known as the elevator pitch where you have roughly thirty seconds to impress an agent or publisher. You'll need to showcase your prowess with words by first selling your manuscript. You need to convince all who read your synopsis that your book is going to be huge. So how do you do it? What is a Synopsis? In simple terms a synopsis is a brief description of your manuscript. It's not something to be overlooked it's need to be powerful and compelling so that the agent or publisher does not simply push it to one side and never look at it again. What does a Synopsis Look Like? The first part of your synopsis should begin with a brief summary of 35-70 words. Just one or two sentences. The second part of your synopsis should give a more detailed synopsis of your work. This is where you c...