Silencing The Bell: Author Interview with Gary Buller : Tales From the Realm Vol 1

To celebrate the release of Aphotic Realm's first anthology featuring twenty tales of strange and sinister fiction I 'm chatting with Gary Buller. If you're already acquainted with Aphotic Realm you would have read his story, The Other Man which featured in their Banished Issue.

Now you can read one of his other creepy tales, Silencing the Bell, in Tales From the Realm out now on kindle and paperback.

So, tell us a bit about yourself Gary

My name is Gary Anthony Buller. I'm an author who lives in Manchester, England. I started writing back in 2016 after twenty something years of not committing a single paragraph of fiction to paper. To be published was a tick on my bucket list, but then I got hooked and have been writing horror ever since.

Who are your biggest influences when it comes to writing?

My kids, to be honest. I could mention Joe Hill, Adam Nevill, Roahl Dahl and Edgar Allan Poe, but my daughters inspire me to be creative and show them how fun it can be.

Name a great horror book, short story or magazine you've read recently.

I really liked 'Dark Carousel' by Joe Hill. It's only a short story but I've listened to it three times already. It came out on limited edition vinyl which was very cool. I don't have a record player so I was thankful for the download code. 'Alligators in the Sewers' a chapbook published by Unnerving has some amazing stories in it too.

How long have you been writing for?

Only for a couple of years. I'm learning everyday, I just hope I don't plateau too soon.

What's a typical writing day for you?

An hour in the morning before work, occasionally on my lunch and then an hour after work too. I'm not lucky enough to write full time and I envy those who do.

Do you have a story that you've written that you're particularly proud of?

There's a few that make me proud. 'Pet Shop' was my first big sale over at Gallery of Curiosities podcast, (listen to them they're ace.) 'Wicked Congregation' was very well received in the Monsters Exist Anthology and I was fortunate enough to have a story in Unnerving called 'Porcelain Skin.' Owen King was in the same issue so I was very pleased.

Do you have any upcoming projects?

I've got a couple I'm working on. An invite-only anthology which I'm really excited about and I have a story that I'm very proud of  on the shortlist of a very good publication. I don't want to say anymore because I don't want to curse myself. Haha!

If you could throw an amazing dinner party, who would you invite? Guests can be living, dead or fictional?

The great Will Marches would have to be there, and all my other twitter buddies. I'd also invite Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead) Stephen King and the late great Jack Ketchum.

Tell us about your story, Silencing the Bell. What was the inspiration behind it?

''Silencing the Bell" was inspired by the rickety old shed in my back garden. One winter night I looked down from my bedroom window and saw it surrounded by snow and concealed with shadow. I remembered my daughter's bike was in there and how it was rusting away, all but forgotten. I wondered what would happen if there was a sinister story behind the bike and how it might effect someone.

Thanks Gary! If you want to here more from Gary check him out on twitter @garybuller


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