Diary of a hopeful writer

I'm not really sure why I've decided to do this, surely I'm just setting myself up for a fall but I thought it might be fun to keep a diary of my progress,( or serious lack of!) as a writer.

I've always been a bit of a writer and have always had a very active imagination but I've never really been serious with it. I've always put it aside when I've had other commitments such as studying and University but now in my late twenties that approach hasn't really gotten me anywhere. I've ended up as a secretary and all my previous and future jobs will never progress into that glistening career job we all dream of.

I like to think that each one of us has a unique talent that sets us apart, hopefully mine is in writing and I've decided to give it another go, this time I'm not going to set my hobby aside but treat it like a career.

I'm doing this because I want to show people I can do other things besides answer a phone and type up letters. I'm not expecting to become a literary sensation but it would be good to maybe win a few competitions. I want to write stories that I'll be proud of, something to show the grandkids!

For the last two years I've been working on a fantasy novel, so far I've planned a rough outline for three books and am very nearly finishing the first but haven't even started to edit it. It seems a long way off from finishing so in the meantime I've decided to try my hand with entering short story competitions. All the short stories I've been writing are based on my characters in the novel and set in the world I have created. I thought it would be a good idea to see if anyone out there appreciates my work but mainly it's a bit of fun that allows me to practise my skills. About ten years ago I entered a writing competition and was a runner up so maybe I do have an inkling of skill! If any of them do well maybe I'll post them up here for all to read.

I'll keep you posted.


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